Covid-19 measures at E-touch clinic

Personal Protective Equipment

Anyone at E-Touch clinic is required to wear a face mask that meets Covid-19 guidelines (Surgical or N95).
We provide masks, gloves and hand sanitizer for our visiting practitioners and/or clinicians.

Patient and Staff Screening

  • Employees are required to self-report COVID-like symptoms.
  • Employees with symptoms or possible exposure are required to stay home.
  • Employees are urged to wash their hands on a regular basis.

Our Clinic screens patients for fever and symptoms.


We routinely disinfect surfaces in high-touch or common areas, machines and all the equipment with an approved disinfectant.
Hand sanitizer or hand washing stations are available in our facilities.


We are committed to following COVID-19 recommendations from MOPH.
Our clinic uses reminders to wear a face mask, practice social distancing, and encourage hand washing.

Check our Services

For the first time in the MENA region virtual services for: Athlete Level, Corporate Level and People with a disability